FREE Product Packaging Webinar

October 29, 2013

Jorge Olson

FREE Product Packaging Webinar

Learn about Product Packaging directly from Beverage Industry expert: Jorge Olson

Presenter: Jorge Olson

Webinar: Product Packaging?

Webinar Date: 2013-10-31 02:00 PM PST (Los Angeles)

Consumers often choose products and beverages based on packaging, that is the main reason why beverage packaging in fundamental for any beverage brand (big or small). Liquid Brands Management a beverage marketing company providing innovative solutions to the world’s most admired brands, has more than 10 years of experience developing, creating and designing very successful beverage brands,  is hosting a webinar to give valuable insight on why packaging matters far beyond the store shelf.  This informative webinar, hosted by Jorge Olson, will provide an overview of the current trends in Product Packaging for the beverage industry and some relevant case examples.

About Jorge Olson

Your host, Jorge Olson is the CEO and president of Liquid Brands Management He has appeared on multiple publications and radio shows talking about product development personal branding, sales and distribution.  He’s the author of the books “Build Your Beverage Empire” and “The Unselfish Guide to Self Promotion”. He has owned many consumer packaged goods brands and distribution companies in the USA and in Mexico.  Jorge is also an analyst to Hedge Funds, Mutual Funds and other institutional investors that want to invest in the beverage and consumer goods industries.

This Webinar will visit the following topics:

  • The importance of Product Packaging.
  • How to design an effective Package for your beverage.
  • Functionality Vs. Design of the package.
  • New trends in product packaging.
  • Tools and Resources.
  • How to start.
  • How can Liquid Brands Management help you.

Who Should attend this webinar:

  • Beverage Brand Owners.
  • Entrepreneurs.
  • Community Managers.
  • Graphic Designers with beverage projects.
  • Beverage Industry Investors.
  • Beverage Business Owners.
  • Beverage Distributors.

Product Packaging Webinar


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