Export to Mexico – Meet me June 4th in San Diego
Remember this event is next Thursday June 4th in San Diego, CA.
Export Your Products to Mexico 1 Day Bootcamp
The one day event will cover everything you need to know about exporting products and starting a franchise or business in Mexico. You’ll hear from distributors, exporters, from the US government and their export programs, and yes, from me.
I’ll be the master of ceremonies for the event as well as the Mexico Distribution and Retail speaker. Covering how to export and sell consumer goods into Mexico including getting distributors, retailers as well as end customers. I’ll cover all retail channels including convenience stores, supermarkets and changarros.
If you have Mexico in your radar and would like to expand your operations, or just learn what Mexico has to offer, make sure to join us for this one day event.
You can get more information and the details here:
Remember this event is next Thursday June 4th in San Diego, CA.