Bossa Nova gets the axe

February 27, 2013

Jorge Olson

Product Development problems lead to poor sales

Branding and Marketing affects the product development

New products get the boot for Product Development issues

Hello there readers!

Today we are going to talk about a subject that may be sensitive to many of you as it may have happened to you.

When you start a relationship, everything is brand new and exciting. You think that everything is great about your other half and that there is nothing that they can do wrong. You accept the things that you don’t like and don’t think of them as problems.

Unfortunately, this rarely works out because the things that you found to be quirky little details are the ones that ultimately make you decide that you can’t deal with it anymore.

This same criteria applies to your product development issues! See what I did there?

Bossa Nova was new and exciting. It had an original packaging and trend worthy ingredients that made it seem like a success on paper.

Product Development

Bossa Nova gets the axe

So, what went wrong?

“The brand was not meeting our expectations,” said Beverage Holdings spokesperson Sydney McHugh, who said that Bossa Nova was discontinued effective on Feb. 11. “We’ve moved onto other products in our portfolio.”

We personally think it was too much too soon. Without having a product that certified them in the beverage market, the brand came out with a whole line of health and wellness products that did fine at first, but it ended up not being enough. Also, we think that the packaging does not convey what the brand is about, and the name is kind of inappropriate for a health product.

On the other hand, it was a good move for the company to remove the product to analize further what went wrong. The brand can still be salvaged if a deep analysis of what happened is done.

These details have to be very well thought out when starting the commitment of coming out with a new product development strategy. All the possible scenarios have to be considered, as well as the solutions for the upcoming problems.

Just like a relationship, trust and commitment has the be built for it to work out. In the long run, if the basis of this partenership is strong enough, it will work out. Wow, so deep!

There you have it! Any product development or relationship advice that you have for us? Give us a call at (619) 722 5033.

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